Smart Bite: Dietary Tips for Inflammation

There is no shortage of advice about foods to avoid in the fight against inflammation. A Google Search on the term “foods that fight inflammation” yields 485 million results! Note that many of these are blogs and are not supported by scientific evidence. Likewise, science in this area is changing, with new findings coming out all the time.

Sound advice about fighting inflammation is increasingly important as we age, because inflammation is a growing concern for older adults. According to the National Poll on Healthy Aging, 60% of people aged 50-80 have some form of arthritis, which is associated with joint inflammation. Likewise, older adults are more susceptible to systemic low-level inflammation, a condition linked to every chronic disease (e.g., heart disease, diabetes, dementia).

Here are my simple tips on what to eat and what to avoid to reduce inflammation.

What to Eat

Numerous studies show that the Mediterranean diet helps reduce inflammatory biomarkers, while noting that more large-scale randomized control trials are needed to demonstrate cause and effect (1,2,3). The Mediterranean diet is rich in whole grains, unsaturated fats, and fiber, and low in saturated fats, sugar, and processed foods. The Mediterranean diet also supports brain health, and you can learn more in a May 24th webinar on Brain Healthy Eating: Food vs. Supplements.

What to Avoid

With so much urban legend about foods that cause inflammation, I am sharing the Top 7 Inflammatory Foods recognized by the National Arthritis Foundation:

Top Takeaway

Dietary patterns play an important role in reducing inflammation, but they are just part of the picture. Other aspects of wellness such as movement, sleep, and stress also play a critical role.