Is Barbequing Hazardous to Your Health?

I hate to be the bearer of bad news this summer as everyone is firing up the grill, but I want to share a few facts about AGEs (advanced glycation products in foods). These inflammatory substances are formed when foods are exposed to high temperatures in the presence of sugar, such as chicken slathered in sauce and then grilled at high heat. AGEs have been linked to Alzheimer's disease, metabolic disorders, diabetes and heart disease.

You can still enjoy outdoor grilling, but here are a few tips from Brain Health Kitchen founder, Annie Fenn, MD:

  • Marinate first. Marinating meat is an excellent way to reduce AGEs. The marination process makes the meat more tender and can decrease AGE formation by 50%. A marinade can be as simple as citrus juice or yogurt and some spices. Marinate for about an hour and then cook.

  • Choose food for grilling carefully. Vegetables and fruits are naturally low in AGEs, and you can grill them until brown and crispy and still end up with a low-AGE meal. If you grill meat, choose leaner, thinner cuts and trim all visible fat before cooking.

  • Clean your grill. Clean your grill thoroughly each time you use it, and be sure to remove any leftover charred pieces of food. A clean grill minimizes AGEs.

  • Think low and slow. In any type of cooking, whether it is grilling or stir frying, cooking foods slowly at lower temperatures will reduce the amount of AGEs.

  • Add a big salad and some veggies. There is some evidence that eating an abundance of vegetables along with grilled foods can reduce the AGE load.