Smart Bite: Reflections on Turning 70

Paul Simon wrote in the song, Old Friends: "How terribly strange to be 70." Having just turned 70 years old, I beg to differ with Paul Simon. I thought turning 70 was actually quite wonderful. I've been trying to analyze why being 70 years old is better than expected, and for me it comes down to two things: 1) Gratitude and 2) Perspective.

As we age, there is just so much more to be grateful for. I love the work I am doing, but mostly I love and appreciate the people (and okay, puppies) in my life. Relationships matter! I am grateful for my husband Rob, our grown sons, my twin sister Sue, my dog Bella and her many friends, and all the people I have met because of Bella. A dog is a conversation waiting to happen, a friendship to be formed. Pause for a minute and think about what you are grateful for, right now, today.

Sure, there are more lines and wrinkles, and not everything happens as fast as it used to (which is probably a good thing). However, as we age, the essence of who we are doesn't change. We are never too old to learn, grow, and make a difference in someone's life. It's important to honor the positive aspects of aging and not simply focus on our perceptions of decline. This poem, I Am Not Old, by Samantha Reynolds, illustrates what I mean about perspective: 

I am not old, she said,
I am rare.

I am the standing ovation
at the end of the play.

I am the retrospective
of my life
as art.

I am the hours
connected like dots
into good sense.

I am the fullness
of existing.

You think I am waiting to die
but I am waiting to be found.

I am a treasure,
I am a map,
these wrinkles are imprints
of my journey.

Ask me anything.